

Designed for you

The most important events in life and a person's own story are always present when we design jewelry. You and your story are the source of inspiration. It may be linked to a particular material or even a particular stone around which your dream jewelry is designed and made.Your jewelry can be delicate and graceful, or it can be a bold and striking statement piece. It's all about you or the person you're giving it to.

Lets meet

During our meeting together, our goldsmith will sketch out the shapes of your story. This discussion will result in the sketches from which the jewelry will be designed.


A sketched plan is always precise and detailed. But best of all, we can make a 3D model of the designed jewelry and print it out for you to see and try on. A 3D printed jewelry design adds a new dimension to your jewelry design: you can see the whole design and, if necessary, we can further edit the design before your jewelry goes into production.

Bespoke beauty

All our fine jewelry is produced in our atelier in Arabianranta, Helsinki.
The stunning finish of our goldsmiths is sure to make the jewelry you order last a lifetime and retain its value.